In the transitioning world of carbon reduction efforts there seems to be one leader that many companies base their initiatives from, Science Based Targets initiatives (SBTi). The SBTi goals involve 3 scopes of participation. Scope 3 emissions might just be the hardest box to check off with SBTi participation.
This is perceived to be difficult because it solely relies on the servicing party to neutralize their carbon emissions. Many times, this is viewed as being beyond the control of the SBTi participant as it relies on upstream emissions such as fuel usage of a delivering party via third party logistics.
Source One Transportation, Guttman Energy’s delivery fleet, is one of the few carbon neutral fuel haulers currently in the market. As a result, they are directly able to tie into an organizations SBTi Scope 3 emissions targets. By participating in a carbon neutral program, we give flexibility to the buyer and peace of mind that they are choosing the correct freight partner to tie into their own business goals. Below is a link to our Carbon Neutral delivery fleet’s website for additional information.
Make sure to inquire about how Guttman Energy can help check multiple boxes on your companies SBTi targets and sustainability goals by incorporating our biodiesel and enhanced ethanol programs along side our carbon neutral delivery fleet.