Guttman Energy Fleet Maintenance – Winter Optimization
It may not feel like it outside, but the winter months are fast approaching. One of the biggest issues drivers face during this time is weather-related fuel operability issues, mainly, gelling. Allow us to walk you through how to reverse this issue.

What is Gelling?
Simply put, gelling is a truck driver’s worst nightmare in the winter. “Gelling” describes what happens when the outside temperature drops low enough to allow diesel fuel to gel. The waxes within the diesel fuel begin to crystallize, turning a liquid product into a thicker state. With the waxes now solidifying, the fuel can’t flow through the truck’s engine as easily, causing clogs in the fuel lines and filters. On the bright side, gelling can be easily identified, and therefore quickly treated, reversing the gelling right away is critical, otherwise, it may irreparably damage your fuel system.
What to Do About Fuel Gelling
Most fuel maintenance tips will tell you that prevention is key to solving gelling, and therefore, adding an anti-gelling product, such as cold-flow winter additive or #1 ULSD to your fuel is the best plan of action. While that is certainly true, salvaging your precious fuel makes all the difference to your schedule and budget. Thankfully, it’s easier than you may think.
The first step is to determine if the fuel filter has frozen, or if the actual fuel in the tank has crystallized. If the fuel filter is the problem, remove the filter and fill with a de-gelling liquid and diesel fuel. Then, reinstall the filter and idle your engine to help it warm up. If the fuel in the tank has gelled, simply add an anti-gelling agent and let the engine idle. After a bit, the waxes will begin to break up and your diesel will begin to flow normally.
The best way a driver can prepare is by stockpiling gel preventing and reversing products before the winter months. Guttman Energy offers a variety of winter additives to optimize your diesel fuel and mitigate operability issues. For the best prices and solutions for all your winter-weather needs, turn to Guttman Energy. Click here to learn more about our operability programs.