The end of the first quarter of the new year is quickly approaching, and commercial trucking companies across the country know what that means… it is time to reconcile IFTA! The International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) is a cooperative agreement between forty-eight states in the United States and ten provinces of Canada. It allows interjurisdictional […]
Read MoreThe Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth About Today’s Gas Prices
Most Americans have by now felt the impact of the ever-rising gas prices at the station. The national average is $4.305/gallon. With record-high levels in recent days, Americans are eager for relief. Given all the rhetoric surrounding gas prices, when can we expect to realistically see relief at the pump? Media is highlighting the Russian […]
Read MoreWill Pennsylvania Raise Gas Taxes Again? Update
Last December I wrote about the proposed Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI), which would require wholesalers of gasoline and diesel in participating states to buy carbon credits to sell their fuel. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the TCI jurisdictions have adjusted their timeline for developing the program, and a final Memorandum of Understanding […]
Read MoreIndustries Seeking Tax Relief
While many sectors of the U.S. economy are reopening in the coming weeks, there are still concerns on how the economy will rebound. The trucking industry is seeking relief in a big way as they hope to push off the Federal Excise Tax (FEX) on new heavy-duty trucks and trailers through 2021. Many obstacles have […]
Read MoreWill Pennsylvania Raise Gas Taxes Again?
In an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, 12 Northeastern states and Washington D.C., including Pennsylvania, are weighing a regional program that would raise the price of gasoline. The Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) defines their program as a “bipartisan group or Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Jurisdictions” looking to “achieve additional benefits through reduced […]
Read MoreHome Heat Tax
Seattle is making an attempt to move aggressively towards cutting the city emissions. In September, Mayor Jenny Durkan signed a bill that would tax home heating oil an additional 24 cents per gallon. This tax would be on top of the existing 10% heating oil tax that currently exists for the residents of Seattle. This […]
Read MoreIFTA Tax, who pays, and who doesn’t?
The 3rd quarter of the year ended just a few days ago and trucking companies all over the country are reconciling fuel purchases and miles driven to ensure proper International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) tax filings. If you are not in the trucking business, IFTA is just another acronym to be thrown around, but here […]
Read MoreThe Tax Man
Every year on July 1st, new state fuel excise taxes are ushered in and yesterday was no different. The chart below lists the increases sorted by highest to lowest. Keep in mind this is on top of the existing state tax. Federal tax is $0.1840 per gallon. This year’s winner is Illinois with a whopping […]
Read MoreWhat impact will Trucking Companies and their Drivers see this year when filing 2018 taxes?
The newly signed tax bill, Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, has gone into effect and has significantly limited itemized individual tax deductions that are available to trucking companies and their drivers.
Read MoreA Quick Guide to IFTA Fuel Taxes
Everyone involved in the world of commercial trucking is familiar with the term IFTA (International Fuel Tax Agreement), but not everyone knows why IFTA exists and what its intended functions are. IFTA is an agreement between the majority of U.S. states and the majority of Canadian provinces designed to simplify the way that commercial truck […]
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