Bad or unexpected winter weather can throw off even the most prepared fleet. Here’s the cold, hard truth: when temperatures drop to about 15℉, the water in diesel begins to freeze, clogging tanks and causing a wide array of operability issues. And while water cannot be totally removed from diesel, Guttman Energy knows what to do to help you save your fuel from the dreaded winter squall. Let us be your guide with these intelligent tips to keep your vehicles in top condition, even when the winter weather has other plans.
- Check Your Tires
Ensure that low temperatures haven’t significantly affected your tire pressure and therefore, your safety.
- Check your batteries
Just like your tires, low temperatures can affect your battery health, too. Ensure your battery is functioning, and if you have to get on the move, have a spare on hand so that you can be ready for whatever any storm decided to throw your way.
- Use your block heater
Block heaters are a simple yet effective way to heat up your engine coolant and keep engine oil from freezing, making getting your truck up and running easier on your batteries.
- Keeps Things Dry
Of course, a no brainer, but make double sure you’re performing the simple tasks that combat moisture. Empty your water separators, drain your saddle tanks, and ensure that your fuel caps are securely fastened multiple times throughout a longer squall.
- Use Fuel Additives
Using a proven winter additive is a great way to protect your diesel fuel against gelling and freezing and keep your tanks in shape. Guttman Energy provides a full line of winter-protection products that fit every budget. See here.
Guttman Energy knows that when it comes to running your fleet, winter can be your worst enemy. With our smart solutions and responsive customer service, we’ve got your back – no matter how cold it is outside or what unexpected winter weather may come about. For more information, contact a Guttman Energy rep today at 724-489-5199.