What in the world is going on?

If you read this blog or pay close attention to the oil and gas industry or financial markets you most likely see a lot of headlines about OPEC, geopolitics, Saudi Arabia, President Trump, China, etc. It is a lot to keep track of and with only 4 weeks, left to 2018 there is an abundance […]

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Pitt Researchers Tackle Fracking Wastewater

The University of Pittsburgh has always been regarded as a world class research institution, and now they are taking that reputation into the world of natural gas.  Researchers from the Swanson School of Engineering were recently awarded a $1.76 million grant from the Department of Energy to conduct testing on a new method for treatment […]

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Who’s Delivering Presents This Year?

From Black Friday to Cyber Monday and all throughout December, there will be more products sold and shipped in the U.S. than any other time of the year.  Staffing shortages and recent import tariffs have made retail executives stay on their toes and prepare for the season.  Another concern that certainly weighs heavy on their […]

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Looking For Direction

Oil prices seem to be looking for a solid footing this morning as news continues to point towards an upcoming supply cut.  Oil prices have lost almost a fifth of their value in the last 30 days due to oversupply concerns, signs of decreasing demand growth and the potential global economic impact of a growing […]

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The Bigger the Notice the Better

Something that many may forget around this time of year is the impact of demand in the fuel industry. The increase in fuel usage can catch many off guard and unprepared when coordinating their fuel schedules. Beyond the increase in demand the winter always brings its own challenges such as inclement weather causing delays and […]

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Floating Liabilities

The United States sanctions against Iran’s oil exports entered into full force last week as the United States attempts to cripple Iran’s oil-dependent economy and suppress their nuclear desires.  Although Washington has vowed to halt all purchases of crude from Iran, it recently supplied eight countries with waivers to continue imports without penalty for the […]

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