Southwestern PA Public Transit System
This large public transit system, located in Southwestern PA, is comprised of over 700 buses, 80 rail vehicles, and two large incline transportation mechanisms. Needing over seven million gallons of gas a year, they truly utilized the “full package” to manage their operation, their fuel, and their budget.
For a customer of this size, it is challenging to identify ways to navigate volatile markets. Finding a partner that closely works with the system to provide accurate billing and invoicing, market intelligence, and serviceability with a transportation network is also crucial, yet just as difficult. With gas prices rising and lackluster fuel delivery service disrupting operations, their services needed new solutions to help keep their city moving.
The assigned Guttman service representative visits each site annually to discuss market intelligence, as well as always providing timely responses with round-the-clock availability. Guttman’s flexibility and timely transportation deliveries have alleviated efficiency issues within the system. As well, Guttman‘s intelligence mitigates market stress with tenured employee turnover.